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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How To Get That Book Out of Your Head

There's a book in your head. It's been there for years. You've always wanted to write. I mean, honestly, how hard can it be, right? 

Well, here's a clue: It's hard! And most of your friends and family don't really get you, or believe in you. It's not a real job they say.

Second clue: Read! Yes, books! 

So here's my thoughts on the matter. Have a go at writing an outline. Or don't. I'm seriously bad at it. Hence, I'm what you might call a pantser—writing impulsively, as they say.

I'm a visual writer. Show me an amazing photograph, or take me to the beach etc. and I will tell you a story. I create movie scenes in my head and write accordingly. It's how I'm writing two chapters a week on Kindle Vella with Sons of TanSonLor. I've already made the movie, so to speak, and now I'm describing it to anyone who hasn't seen the movie. Does that make sense?

 What kind of writer are you? What's your beginning scene? What's your middle story about? When everything falls apart, or has that Oh No! moment. Do you have The End in sight? I never do. Actually, I usually wind up with more than two endings. 

Write what's in your head and don't stop to edit. That will come later. Close your eyes, yep, daydream, and turn those visions into words and onto paper. 

If we were sitting at my kitchen table, or yours, and I asked you tell me what's your book about. Tell me the story. I want details, unless, of course you're at a writers' conference and they ask you to pitch your book in one sentence. Yikes!

I think one of the reasons Kindle Vella is a perfect fit for me is that I can keep writing the never-ending story. It's like a soap opera with more than one main character. 

But let's refocus. This is about you. Ignore the naysayers and begin writing your book. Perhaps it's a compilation of short stories. A mere six hundred words can craft a compelling narrative. Even Kindle Vella chapters can be that brief.

Episodes on Kindle Vella

If you have a book idea, jot it down. What about your characters? Define them. I record all my characters in a notebook, assigning them names, naturally; a good-boy character harboring dark secrets; bad boys tend to be moody and brooding. Craft them to be compelling. Consider their history.

Regardless, have you considered writing a book? If you never begin, the idea will remain in your mind, and each time you encounter a writer, you'll be reminded of your longstanding desire to write. I'm confident you can do it.

Take a look at our book The Self-ish Writer. It's for beginners. 

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