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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Self-Publishing? Why an Editor Can Be Your Best Friend.

My pastor posted an interesting short sermon a while back:  "Mistakes Aren't Permanent. Unless ..." He used this tattoo to bring his point across.

Apparently, tattoo artists need editors too. 

Writers need editors, there's just no way around it. If you haven't heard all the reasons why, you're probably new to the business of writing. Trust me on this, it would benefit you to find out exactly why you need an editor. 

Most Alten Ink authors are first-time authors. Some didn't think they needed editing because their friends and family loved the book. I had to decline working with them. Others grew thick skins over the course of our editor-writer relationship. They kind of like me now. 

Listen to Ginger Galloway's podcast where she answers the question, "Why Hire an Editor?" If you're a first-time author and plan to self- publish, this might be a little brutal but the truth must be told. Here's Ginger from AG Christian Press

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